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Found 44791 results for any of the keywords the florida disaster. Time 0.014 seconds.
Donate to the Florida Disaster Fund - Volunteer FloridaThe Florida Disaster Fund is the State of Florida’s official private fund established to assist Florida’s communities as they respond to and recover during times of emergency or disaster. In partnership with the public s
News - Volunteer FloridaAt Volunteer Florida, we want to make sure you receive emails with news that is important to you and/or your organization. Please click the button below and let us know which types of emails you would like to receive.
Volunteer Florida Foundation - Volunteer FloridaThe Volunteer Florida Foundation raises funds to support Volunteer Florida, the state’s lead agency for volunteerism and national service.
About Us - Volunteer FloridaIn 1994, Volunteer Florida was established to administer national service programs, such as AmeriCorps, throughout the state. Today, the majority of these programs are education-based, but grantees are also actively work
MuzeMerch - The Florida Aquarium Gift ShopThe Florida Aquarium is working to protect and restore our blue planet through conservation, education and research. Your gift store souvenir purchase today will have a positive impact on our organization, and our world
Employment - Volunteer FloridaVolunteer Florida is a great place to work! We value the unique talents of each of our employees and encourage a positive, fun culture for our team. In addition, as an employer of national service, Volunteer Florida reco
The Florida Business Directory - Listings of Businesses in FloridaThe Florida Business Directory offers free listings of businesses in Florida with websites and is categorized first by profession, then by city. Add your business to our growing list. Listings now include Google maps.
Commissioners - Volunteer FloridaAt Volunteer Florida, we want to make sure you receive emails with news that is important to you and/or your organization. Please click the button below and let us know which types of emails you would like to receive.
Hope Heroes - Volunteer FloridaWant to Help?Individuals can get involved in Hope Florida – A Pathway to Purpose by becoming a Hope Hero! Hope Heroes volunteer their time and services to help members in their community.
Rural Community Assets Fund (RCAF) - Volunteer FloridaThe Volunteer Florida Foundation’s (VFF) Rural Community Assets Fund (RCAF) strengthens the power and capacity of community organizations to further their missions by recruiting, equipping volunteers who serve Floridians
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